Jim has been collecting invertebrates for us to freeze/look at/think about other biomechanics projects. Here is an assortment in the tank, including urchin (left), tunicate (large brown blob), nudibranch (large white blob), giant amphipod (white bug-looking thing on the nudibranch), soft coral (orange), another nudibranch (white, bottom), a pycnogonid (orange sea spider), and a couple anemones.
Here's a close-up of the soft coral and you can see a worm behind and above it... it's spiky and is a flabelligerid polychaete. I've seen worms in that family in Maine but they're MUCH smaller and are sort of brown and ugly.
Hmmm, i have been reading the blog out-of-order, so perhaps I missed an important point, but again I ask: why are you freezing the poor animals?? ; )